Thursday, July 11, 2013

Paying Off - Pounds Coming Off

So my efforts are beginning to manifest themselves physical on the scale. I notice clothes are fitting differently. At my birthday, I weighed in at a disgusting number. Although I hate the number I am at currently, it is definite progress. I am now 10 pounds lighter than I was then. As I was reminding myself to have only one slice of pizza (have what you want, but have it in moderation), my eye fell on my 5 pound kettle bell. I realize that my body use to carry around an extra two of these at all times. Wow! Very glad to not be carrying that with me. Here's to continuing to make slow, steady progress. But here's the visual for ya:

Yes, 2 of these use be carried around doing all my daily activities. So glad to have put that down. Here's to removing the equivalent of a few more of these soon.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Food Journal

So yes, it is time to start journaling visually again.  I've been trying to make smarter choices. Trying to develop wiser habits. The effort is beginning to pay off. I have lost a pound this week. Finally moving in the right direction. Now that I am motivated it is time to become more serious. I need to once again photograph my meals to keep me accountable. So here goes:

Flickr Food Journal