Monday, December 28, 2015

Beginning Again...

Yes, like everyone else, the holiday hecticness is no longer weighing heavily on my mind and shoulders. But when I stop for some time on the couch, I realize it's myself that is now weighing heavily... So I am back it.
Today I begin again. As my mother would say, "Pull yourself up by your bootstraps."

Went to the store today and stocked up on healthier options for groceries. Oh you know things like vegetables, fruit, lower sugar alternatives to previously enjoyed items. So today's lunch was a tomato cut in half with some tuna. And guacamole on a wrap. Now that the healthier food is available hopefully I will make small steps in the right direction. At least this year, I am beginning again before the new year begins. So maybe the habits will stick this year and not fade away like most New Year's resolutions.

I know what I should be doing. It's finding the motivation to actually do it. Hoping seeing that horrifying number on the scale this morning was the wake-up call I needed. May it continue to buzz in my ears for weeks to come.

Happy Holidays! Happy Healthy Habits! Happy New Year to you! Happy Newer you for you!