Sunday, February 6, 2011

February 6, 2011 Progress Logging

Superbowl Sunday! So not into football.  Who is playing again? The Yankees and the Jets? Okay, so I'm not quite the bad.  I so could care less if the Steelers or the Packers take it home.  Just grateful to be home and to have the husband home.  But usually today would have been a day of preparing a huge naughty spread for the husband to enjoy his game.  Now that we have both started the road to a healthier us today was a bit different.  Still indulged but with limits.

Today's Intake:
A Thomas' Bagel Thin with Two Tbsp of margarine
(~200 calories)
AM Snack:
YoCrunch yogurt parfait
(~90 calories)

Two hotdogs... one in bun with ketchup and sauerkraut, one without the bun (~540 calories)

Dinner: 2 Sliders and beans
(~600 calories)

Superbowl Fair: Light beer, creme de cacao, pretzels
(~360 calories)

Lots of water throughout the day

So about 1790 calories all told for the day.  Considering what I would have done in the past with cake, chips, dips, cheese, soup, mozzarella sticks, etc and all the other things I would gotten... not bad.  1790 for one day won't kill me.  Tomorrow will be back to better eating.  At least I have learned it is okay to occasionally have a fun meal, as long as it is balanced with a healthier meal.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

February 1, 2011 Progress Logging

New month, newer me! So since Christmas I have lost 8 pounds.  Since the Fit42 Challenge began I have lost 5 pounds.  It is amazing what support does.  I am learning portion control.  I am learning to find my motivation to get moving.  I now understand the relationship between physical fitness and general wellness.  And how this affects metabolism and weight measurements.  I have started using a measuring tape to keep more accurate records of my progress.  My waist is actually 2 inches narrower then before.  Still got a long way to go. But at least I have the car on the right road.

Yes, that is my car driver's side window.
Today's physical activity included scraping the ice off my car before coming home.  What a horrible way to spend the afternoon!  When you are tired after a long day at work this is just not what one needs.  But I guess I should look on the bright side.  I had a job to be coming home from.  I had a car to eventually take me home.  And I did make it safely home in order to post this blog.  So life is good... if just ice cold.

Today's meal logging:
Breakfast, Cream of Wheat

Lunch, Salad greens with a few nuts, cranberries, and chicken strips

Dinner, 2 McDonald's Cheeseburgers - yes, needed a treat after scraping that ice

The problem with the treat box at work being refilled by a coworker is then I know that it has been refilled.  I tried keeping it empty for awhile.  Now I just need to make myself believe that it is empty.  But at least I am learning portion control.  This is all that I had from the box.  And I am learning to be honest with myself.  I logged it in my digital food journal here and in my calorie counter there.

So although today involved a few treats on a yucky day, I kept things in control.  I burned 2158 calories and only consumed 1363.  Yes, I have learned to look up what I eat and track that calories and other values.  And did I mention that I lost another pound this morning bring me to 8 pounds less!