Monday, December 28, 2015

Beginning Again...

Yes, like everyone else, the holiday hecticness is no longer weighing heavily on my mind and shoulders. But when I stop for some time on the couch, I realize it's myself that is now weighing heavily... So I am back it.
Today I begin again. As my mother would say, "Pull yourself up by your bootstraps."

Went to the store today and stocked up on healthier options for groceries. Oh you know things like vegetables, fruit, lower sugar alternatives to previously enjoyed items. So today's lunch was a tomato cut in half with some tuna. And guacamole on a wrap. Now that the healthier food is available hopefully I will make small steps in the right direction. At least this year, I am beginning again before the new year begins. So maybe the habits will stick this year and not fade away like most New Year's resolutions.

I know what I should be doing. It's finding the motivation to actually do it. Hoping seeing that horrifying number on the scale this morning was the wake-up call I needed. May it continue to buzz in my ears for weeks to come.

Happy Holidays! Happy Healthy Habits! Happy New Year to you! Happy Newer you for you!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Motivated by not Mowing the Yard

So I've been trying. I keep meaning to photograph my meals. Not so much for you, dear reader. Although I hope you get a kick and maybe a meal idea out of it. But for me as it keeps me more conscious of what I am eating. But I keep forgetting to grab my camera phone. Urgh!

However, I must be doing something right for now I'm 231 lbs. Yes, I know. I inwardly cringe as well. What a horrible number for someone of my short stature. But if you read my blog a few days ago the number was higher so I'll take it!

We've been snowed in. My car is with the mechanic. And I'm out on Mid-winter Break. Um yeah, instinct is too fly away some where warm. This year, Mother Nature is being such a beast! Where exactly would be warm and without snow. No fundage to fly off for some fun. So I sit here snowed in in NY. URGH!

So considering how easy it is in NY to order pizza (over the phone, on the Internet, advertisements on TV, coupons in your email)! Make it stop! I've been trying to be better or at least eat in moderation. If we order pizza I'm having 1 or 2 slices. Not splitting the pie down the middle with my husband.

So today I decided to stop wallowing. I got up, put my boots on and huffed it out to our local CVS. The walk in the (yes that is what sunshine feels like again) sunlight did my heart good. A little exercise, a little fresh air, and a new moisturizer. Things are looking up.

Our CVS is next to a Mrs. Green's Natural foods store. So I popped in. I bought some nice salad fixings and walked on home. While at Mrs. Green's I decided to try their smoothie bar. My lord in heaven, does anyone actually like this stuff. One was called "The Lawnmower!" Um I'm not brave enough to try that. I did try the Greenhouse Tonic (cucumber, celery, wheatgrass and more healthy options). It didn't sound that bad with the cucumber that I love. But lordy, lordy I couldn't finish it. I'm motivated to lose the weight but not to eat lawn mower clippings (which is pretty much what it tasted like). Tomorrow I'll make my own smoothie thanks with the Spinach I just bought.

How is your wellness journey going? I'd love to hear about your progress.

Sunday, February 9, 2014


And since my last blog post the weight has found me again. Perhaps I need a little public humiliation so I'll admit the horrible number here. Sh!! It's 234. Yeah, I don't like that either. But perhaps if I admit it publicly it will keep me on track to do something about it. I realize this blog is my space. It is a reflection of the space in my head. Perhaps that space is boring. Perhaps that space is scary. But either way that space is mine. Care to follow along in my journey then check back here soon. I'm about to begin my digital food log here again. It seemed to make me more conscious of the decisions I was making. If your decision is to close the browser window, so be it. This is an exercise for my mind. Hope you'll appreciate my exercising my freedom of speech. However, I understand you may want to exercise your freedom of choice and choose to look away. Here's to seeing a digital portfolio of healthier options beginning to grow again. Time to get back on track. I need to open myself back up to the potential of what I could become. If I had stuck with this long ago imagine how much further my progress would be. But alas, I slacked. So it's time to suck it up and start again. Reopening my digital food log. Will you be reopening the page to take a look?

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Paying Off - Pounds Coming Off

So my efforts are beginning to manifest themselves physical on the scale. I notice clothes are fitting differently. At my birthday, I weighed in at a disgusting number. Although I hate the number I am at currently, it is definite progress. I am now 10 pounds lighter than I was then. As I was reminding myself to have only one slice of pizza (have what you want, but have it in moderation), my eye fell on my 5 pound kettle bell. I realize that my body use to carry around an extra two of these at all times. Wow! Very glad to not be carrying that with me. Here's to continuing to make slow, steady progress. But here's the visual for ya:

Yes, 2 of these use be carried around doing all my daily activities. So glad to have put that down. Here's to removing the equivalent of a few more of these soon.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Food Journal

So yes, it is time to start journaling visually again.  I've been trying to make smarter choices. Trying to develop wiser habits. The effort is beginning to pay off. I have lost a pound this week. Finally moving in the right direction. Now that I am motivated it is time to become more serious. I need to once again photograph my meals to keep me accountable. So here goes:

Flickr Food Journal

Friday, March 29, 2013

Still Trying

Okay, trying to stick with the wellness plan. Tonight's dinner was Salmon Florentine, rice with veggies, and spinach salad. Rather nice I must say. The salmon was from Stew Leonard's stuffed with a Florentine mix. But then I made a sauce to bake it with. I combined the juice of a lemon, some basil, a little rosemary, mustard, Italian dressing, a splash of yogurt ranch dressing.  Placed the fish in aluminium foil, spread a little of the sauce, placed a slice of lemon on top. Folded up the foil as packets. Baked the packets at 375 degrees for about a half an hour. Rather decent results.

Continuing the healthier eating theme this was paired with a fresh spinach salad. Love the quality of the fruits and vegetables from Stew Leonard's. So this evening's salad was fresh spinach leaves, grape tomatoes, some lactose free cheese, and the same dressing from the fish. A perfect compliment.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Time for Neene2.1 Maybe?

Okay, so I had some express that they aren't interested in what I am eating or not eating. They could care less how many steps I take in a day. This created digital laryngitis for me. But the Fit42 challenge started up again. I began taking better care of myself. Then I lost that drive again. I realize I need to stop listening to others. The only person that I should be listening to is me. Of course there are a few thoughts I need to tell to shut-up.

So, okay, I know awhile ago I started this blog saying that it was time for Neene2.0. Well since that upgrade didn't exactly work I guess it's time for Neene2.1. Here's to hoping it goes more smoothly this time.
So I hope you enjoy reading my meanderings. If not, I hope you find a blog to read that better suits your preferences.

So, now on with my meanderings. Yesterday, I went to our local Fairway. I loaded up on fruits, vegetables, and better meats. I'm not suited to be a vegetarian. Although I see the benefits one who does live that way receives. So I bought better cuts of beef short ribs, small portion controlled steaks, chicken thighs, and chicken breast. I stocked up on vegetables too. So last night I made braised beef short ribs. I also made steamed spinach marinated with balsamic vinegrette. I love the steamer microwave bags of vegetables. So I did one of mixed vegetables. Topped them with some low fat cheese. Yummy

This morning we had big blintzes. I topped them with lactose free honey flavored yogurt. I admit they were a nice treat. I'm not usually a breakfast person. But I know it is better to start your day fueled properly. Unfortunately I didn't think to photograph it.

For lunch, I reverted to an old favorite. A French sandwich. Flat bread. Spread 1 teaspoon of extra light olive oil on each side of the flat bread. Layer fresh spinach leaves on the bread. Sprinkle with a few dried cranberries. Top with a small bit of brie cheese. Then place the sandwich in the microwave for 15 seconds. Perfect. It is very flavorful. It is healthy. It is light yet filling. Perfect!

I am hoping that returning to a  healthier way of eating will help us find a healthier way of life. I know what to do. I know what is considered healthy. It is just a matter of training my taste buds and my lazy self to choose items that are better for us then drive-thru nasty quick fixes. Fingers crossed for the proper installation on Neene2.1.